Supporting the Community of Cheadle
Cheadle Village Partnership exists as a Forum which brings together the
groups, organisations, businesses and residents of Cheadle, to help promote:
COMMUNICATION - So we know what's going on locally;
COLLABORATION - So we can work together more effectively; and
CONSTRUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT - So we can see Cheadle change for the better!
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CVP Meeting - 28th June 2023 7pm in The Upper Room, Cheadle
To receive a copy of the minutes of this meeting or to join our mailing list please contact : Liz Woods - (Secretary)
Digital Information Point
Work is ongoing for the installation and implementation of the DIP.

CVP was a originally a partnership between Stockport Council and key stakeholders in the Cheadle Village Area; established 25th April 2001 by SMBC to ensure the thriving of local district centres
Originally it was given administrative support from SMBC, but since 2013 we are now self-organised
Primarily a “group of groups”, most members attend the CVP in a representative capacity, but any local Cheadle political officials, community groups, residents associations, charities, schools, churches, public bodies, media agencies are invited to send representatives, along with any interested individuals.
During the Covid-19 crisis we have been unable to meet, but if you would like notificastion of our next forum meeting please complete your contact details on the form at the bottm of this page, and we will let you know the next date.
- New Funding Award for Cheadle!
The work is continuing and many of these items are now approved and in the pipeline. To keep updated please email to be added to our mailing list.
Dear Village Partnership Members
Our main Town’s Fund bid for a new station continues well, the formal application for which is being submitted in November.
But as I mentioned at the last CVP meeting, because of the application we qualified to apply for a further grant in addition to this. I am delighted to pass on the exciting news that Cheadle has been awarded an additional £500,000 ‘accelerated funding’ – which is for capital expenditure only and is required to be fully spent by the end of March 2021, hence not anything requiring much by way of planning consents.
Feasibility work is being done by the council to deliver the following areas (below) by March:
Project Title Description Cost estimate (£k)
Cycling & Walking - Early Access Measures
New cycle track at Ashfield Road to provide an important link through to Cheadle Village Centre and possible additional improvements to Park Road - £200k
Cheadle Primary School Streets Pilot
Delivery of package of measures to pilot a 'School Street' scheme - £40k
Cheadle High Street Parklet
Installation of parklet on or around Cheadle High Street to deliver improved cycle parking and increase dwell time on the high street. - £80k
Community High Street Information Hub
Repurposing an empty window on the high street to create a new community information hub to support engagement and covid-19 economic recovery. To include a highly visible and interactive screen on the high street that can be easily updated remotely. To be operated by the Cheadle Village Partnership (CVP). - £10k
Councillor Road improvements
Early measures to improve the appearance and functionality of the public realm in front of this long shopping parade. Including cycle and parking arrangements. - £30k
Abney Hall Park Wildlife Improvements
Wildlife and ecological improvements to all ponds in the park - £10k
Diamond Jubilee Park Improvements
Improvements to Diamond Jubilee Park to encourage active lifestyles and improve the resilience of the park. To include:
- Flood mitigation/ SUDS scheme
- Path Improvements
- Fitness equipment improvements - £110k
Learn to Ride Area
Installation of British Cycling standard practice cycle track in Diamond Jubilee Park or Abney Hall Park to encourage cycling amongst young people in the area. - £20k
TOTAL = £500k
You should note that the funding is now in place for our Information point (or maybe more than one).
The sort of thing we are going to explore is something like this:
In addition, there are some possible grants to help vacant shops or upstairs convert to useful economic units – but that discussion is in the early stages, and if it develops I will suggest an extra CVP meeting where it can be discussed.
All this is good news for our community, and has been facilitated by the string results from our local survey; so thanks for your support and help.
All the best
Rev Dr Rob Munro
Chair of Cheadle Village Partnership
Get in touch with Cheadle Village Partnership to learn more about our termly meetings and how you can get involved.
Chair: Andrew Fraser ; Vice-chair: VACANT
Treasurer: Phil Meehan; Secretary: Liz Woods
c/o Church Office, 11 Wilmslow Road, Cheadle, SK8 1DW
0161 428 8050